[EN] Hyrule's Kingdoms

This map depicts Hyrule some ten thousand years after the events of Ocarina Of Time.

Historical Context

A few thousand years ago, following a cataclysm caused by the return of the Scourge Ganon, King Bartholomeus XI, in a surge of despair, had no choice but to call for the power of the Triforce in order to destroy for good the archetype of evil. This ill-calculated wish had the effect of a double-edged sword since it also destroyed the archetype of good, thus plunging the kingdom into a state of uncertainty. These forces, which once clashed through the chosen vessel, now fight in the hearts of each individual.

The Great Convergence

The ancient sages, in an atempt to fix the situation, called upon the power of time to overrun the king's wish. However, unable to match the power of the Triforce, their efforts only had the effect of accelerating the convergence of the timelines. This is how eastern Hyrule was overwhelmed by what it is now called The Great Flood. Several peoples living in the alternative timelines have thus made their appearance within the kingdom. There are in particular the Korugus, the Ritos and the Anoukis.

More informations will follow....

Created by: Jordan 4 years ago
Last edit: 4 years ago
Aspect ratio: 4:3
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